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State Service Plan


State Service Plan

State Service Plan 2019-2021

Introduction to SerVermont and the State Service Plan

SerVermont, Vermont's Commission on National and Community Service, is a citizen body appointed by the Governor to support national service and volunteerism throughout Vermont. SerVermont's mission is to promote, support, and recognzie volunteerism and community service throughout the state.  Currently, SerVermont supports 7 AmeriCorps State Programs, as well as the AmeriCorps VISTA Umbrella Project. In addition, SerVermont manages volunteers during disasters, and celebrates volunteerism with the annual Governor’s Service Awards.

The State Service Plan is required by federal law. The plan assists SerVermont in making reccomendations for funding AmeriCorps programs, and determining what additional activities SerVermont will engage in.  The plan covers a three year cycle, and outlines goals for that time period. 

The State Service Planning Process

A program committee was formed to oversee the development of the State Service Plan. The committee included SerVermont commissioners and program staff. The committee began the process by reviewing the exisiting State Service Plan,  the most recent planning work of SerVermont, and the national service climate.  Eight potential strategic goals were drafted. The committee then selected three of the eights goals to puruse during the 2016-2018 period. The goals selected all meet the SMART goal criteria: specific, measurable, attainable, reslitic (and resourced), and time-bound. All of the goals are crafted in a way that allows SerVermont to ask the Results Based Accountability Questions, "What are we doing?", "How well are we doing it?", and "Is anyone better off?" The selected goals also contribute to SerVermont meeting our duties outlined in federal law, and national service policy, and contribute to the well being of all Vermonters. 

The program committee drafted the first State Service Plan draft around the selected goals and shared the draft internally for comments and edits. The resulting second draft was cirulated and presented to the full commission for feedback and edits. The third draft was circulated for public comment. Feedback recieved from public comment was considered and incorporated into the plan, resulting in a fourth draft. That draft was presented to SerVermont Commissioners for final edits, and then adopted by the commission, resulting in a final plan.